• (540) 674-1677
  • 7100 Cloyds Mountain Road, Dublin, VA

• Vanguard Renewables – Vanguard Renewables offers food and farm waste-to-energy
generation systems in the form of anaerobic digesters accepting both food waste and
agricultural waste. Vanguard has already developed several organic waste conversion
systems, mostly on behalf of dairy farms in the Northeast, the food and beverage industry,
and college/university campuses. Vanguard develops, owns, and operates organics to energy
platforms, including food waste de-packaging systems and other pre-processing and
recycling technologies.
• Machinex – Machinex offers a wide variety of sophisticated automated waste sorting
technologies with applications for single-stream recycling, mixed-waste processing, organics,
glass processing, scrap metal recycling, plastic recycling, WtE systems, and bottom ash
treatment. Machinex products are used widely throughout these processes for material
processing for traditional material recovery facilities (MRFs) and waste conversion and
treatment facilities.
• UBQ – UBQ has developed a proprietary process claimed to be able to transform unsorted
MSW into a manufacturing-ready composite thermoplastic product. The UBQ product can be
used to produce plastic products for the retail, furniture, construction, and automotive
industries. The company does not have any full-scale US-based facilities, but developed a
presence in the Commonwealth when the Richmond-area Central Virginia Waste
Management Authority (CVWMA) partnered with UBQ in 2019 to order 2,000 new residential
recycling bins made out of recycled/converted material. The precise nature of the technology
is proprietary, but appears to be some combination of thermal and chemical conversion of
MSW waste constituent components into a converted plastic-type material.
• Wheelabrator Technologies/WIN Waste Innovations– Among other collection and recycling
services, WIN Waste Innovations owns and operates several WtE facilities on the East Coast
including the Portsmouth WtE facility in Virginia. Their facilities primarily accept community
and business waste, and the company’s next closest facility is located in Baltimore,

Maryland. The Baltimore facility can convert 2,250 tons of post-recycled MSW per day to
64.5 MW of electricity, powering 40,292 homes.
• Covanta – Covanta operates many of the WtE facilities in the United States and Canada,
including two in Virginia (one in Alexandria and one in Fairfax). Covanta’s facility in Fairfax,
Virginia, processes more than 1.1 million tons of waste per year and produces approximately
80 megawatts of electricity 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
• Enventix – Enventix has developed scalable equipment for thermochemical conversion of
non-recyclable waste to energy. Eventix sells stand-alone conversion equipment, but also
offers development services for a system of waste recovery technologies that aim to
minimize new MSW landfilling. Eventix has branded their proprietary system as an
“Integrated Material & Energy Recovery Facility,” or (IMERF). The proposed IMERF
incorporates an anaerobic digester to process organic waste, a single-stream MRF to convert
recyclable waste into raw materials, and a thermo-chemical WtE plant to convert non-
recyclable and non-organic waste. Eventix technology partners on such projects include NRT
(an optical recycling sorter vendor), Zero Waste Energy, Bulk Handling Systems (BHS),
General Electric (GE), and Nihot (an air waste separator vendor).
• Entsorga/Biohitech Renewables – Biohitech, in conjunction with Entsorga, has opened a
facility in Martinsburg, West Virginia utilizing proprietary HEBioT technology. Single stream
organic and inorganic MSW is separated and the organic material is stored in a bunker-like
bio-oxidation “hall,” where organic waste is partially broken down and dried. The primary
output product of the facility is processed material that has been shredded and may be sold
as a solid recovered fuel that may be burned as an alternative fuel source. The Entsorga WV
plant markets its SRF to cement manufacturers for use in cement kilns. Biohitech also offers
a series of digesters suited for individual institutions like hospitals and schools. Entsorga
offers a wider array of composting, digester, and pretreatment technologies for organic
wastes. Entsorga also offers advisory services for operations, maintenance, and
development of organic waste disposal projects. The Martinsburg facility is the only
commercial-scale Entsorga plant in the United States, although there are additional full-scale
facilities located overseas.
• GECA Environment – GECA Environment offers consulting expertise for developing pyrolysis,
biochar, and wood vinegar projects, assessing markets, research and development, and
carbon credit-related projects. GECA Environment has consulted on biochar for fertilizer
manufacturing projects for Fortune 500 agriculture companies in the United States.
• Plastic Energy – Plastic Energy uses thermal anaerobic conversion technology to convert
end-of-life and contaminated recycled plastic products to naptha (light oil), synthetic gas
components, and raw diesel. Synthetic gas is used to power the processing plant, while
diesel and naptha are sold as raw materials for energy systems or the plastic industry. The
company’s Plastic Energy process uses high heat in a de-oxygenated reactor to convert the
feedstock into hydrocarbon components. Plastic Energy provides modular versions of the
technology as well as the technical expertise to install and run the facilities.
• Sierra Energy – Sierra Energy builds modular FastOx gasification systems. Sierra Energy’s
system can be customized to optimize certain desirable products: electricity, high-quality
diesel, transportation-grade hydrogen, or fertilizer-grade ammonia. Sierra Energy has

installed a FastOx gasification system at Fort Hunter Liggett, California, to help the
Department of Defense meet its fuels and net-zero waste goals, but the facility has only
operated at a relatively small scale to meet the needs of the military base.

Georgia Pacific — Georgia Pacific manufactures, owns, and operates (in partnership) the Juno
system, a sorting, and recycling system that aims to convert 90% of waste destined for
landfills and incinerators. The Juno system sorts reusable materials from organic waste. All
incoming waste is heat sterilized. Organic waste is diverted to a biogas generation system. All
other materials are diverted to the recycling plant. Georgia Pacific has two operational
facilities: Juno Georgia in Savanah, Georgia, and Juno Oregon at Georgia Pacific’s Toledo,
Oregon papermill. Juno Georgia has been in operation on a campaign basis since 2013. Juno
Oregon predominantly processes paper mill waste.